Set up Business

  • Contact industrial park or find location for the land and factory establishment.
  • Apply for an Investment Registration Certificate (IRC) (take around 1 month long).
  • Apply for an Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC) (take 3-5 days long) with main below documents:
    – Application form for enterprise 
    – The company’s charter.
    – Legal documents of the
       enterprise’s legal
       /members or founding
       shareholder depend
       the type of company.
  • Make the company’s seal.
  • Open & notify a bank account to the business registration agency.
  • Investors can start construction or operation after complete all the processes above.

01 Bank Support

Open Bank Account

Internet Banking

Fund Transfer (in/out)


Law Regulation/ Privilege

  • Business License & Investment
        – Investment Law 2020
        – Enterprise Law 2020
  • Copyrights, Trademarks, Land Use Right
  • Foreign Investor’s ownership
  • Policy /Permission from government
  • DPI/ ITPC/ EPZ Privilege

02 Bank Support

Project/ Analysis (FA, IB)

Market Analysis: AEC Connect (Trends/Growth/Needs)


Operational Business

  • Normal Operating / Expansion / Maintenance
  • Environmental Concerns
    – Water Pollution
    – Carbon Emission
  • Land / Office
    – Ownership, Rental
  • Cost & Expense
    – Labor, Utilities, Transportation
  • Human Resource
    – Work Permit
    – Visa / temporary resident card &

03 Bank Support

Financing Facilities/ Loan / Capital / Products & Working Services

 Account Management


 Report & Taxation

  • Corporate Income Tax
  • Business license Tax
  • Value Added Tax
  • Foreign Contractor tax
  • Personal Income Tax
  • Import/Export Tax
  • Tax-Non Tax Incentives
    (Exemptions/ Reduction)

04 Bank Support

E-Tax payment (CIT,VAT,PIT)

 Customs Duty payment



  • Infrastructure & Transportation: directly impact production and distribution capabilities

05 Bank Support

Business Matching with BBL Existing Customer

01 Bank Support

Open Bank Account

Internet Banking

Fund Transfer (in/out)

02 Bank Support

Project/ Analysis (FA, IB)

Market Analysis: AEC Connect (Trends/Growth

03 Bank Support

Financing Facilities
– Loan/Capital
– Products & Working Services

 Account Management

04 Bank Support

E-Tax payment (CIT,VAT,PIT)

 Customs Duty payment

05 Bank Support

Business Matching with BBL Existing Customer

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