Set up Business

  • Submit application to the Philippines Securities and Commission (SEC) with other documentary requirements
  • Register to Local Government Unit (LGU) to secure business permit or license
  • The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
        – Acknowledgement Certificate
        – Inform if wishes to use a computerized accounting system (CAS) or computerized books of account (CBA)
  • Submit required documents referred to in Revenue Memorandum Order No.9-2021
  • Required to pay in full amount of at least 25% of the subscribed capital stock (owned)

01 Bank Support

Open Bank Account

Internet Banking/Mobile Banking


Law Regulation/ Privilege

  • Republic Act No. 7042 mandates the restriction of investment areas
  • Social security laws – employees
  • Business permits and licenses
  • Parents, Copyrights, Trademarks
  • Tax incentives
     – Filed application to the relevant Investment Promotion Agency (IPA)

02 Bank Support

Fund Transfer (in/out)

Cash Management


Operational Business

  • Normal Operating / Expansion / Maintenance
  • Environmental Concerns
        – Water Pollution
        – Carbon Emission
  •  Land / Office
        – Ownership, Rental
  • Cost & Expense
        – Labor, Utilities, Transportation
  • Human Resource
        – Work Permit
        – Visa & Immigration

03 Bank Support

Project/ Analysis (FA, IB)

Market Analysis: AEC Connect (Trends/Growth/Needs)


 Report & Taxation

  • Regular corporate income tax (RCIT) 25%
  • Value-added tax
  • Minimum corporate income tax (MCIT)
        – Starting on the 4ᵗʰ year, if MCIT is greater than RCIT, then the excess shall be carried forward and credited against the RCIT for three instance taxable years
  • If revenues exceeded Php 3 million, an independent Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is required
  • Annual permit/business license renewal
  • A Complete annual tax incentives report and annual benefits

04 Bank Support

Financing Facilities

Loan / Capital



  • The foreign investment should be registered with the Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas (the Philippine Central Bank)
        – Purchasing foreign currency from Philippine banking system to repatriate/remit capita/profits/
        – dividends

05 Bank Support

Business Matching with BBL Existing Customer

01 Bank Support

Open Bank Account

Internet Banking/Mobile Banking

02 Bank Support

Fund Transfer (in/out)

Cash Management

03 Bank Support

Project/ Analysis (FA, IB)

Market Analysis: AEC Connect (Trends/Growth/Needs)

04 Bank Support

Financing Facilities

Loan / Capital

05 Bank Support

Business Matching with BBL Existing Customer

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