Set up Business

Depends on type of investments, can categorized into 4 types
Type 1 : Branch office
Type 2 : Large Businesses
Type 3 : Restricted Businesses
Type 4 :Business in SEZs

General Steps
All Type 1,2,3,4
Submit forms and any documents
to DICA for company register

  • Allows 35% foreign equity
  • Min. Required capital USD 50,000 for Service companies/ representative offices and USD 150,000 for foreign companies

Only type 2 and 3
Need MIC Approval
Only type 4
Need SEZs Approval

  • For large project > USD 100 million
  • Separate 2 zone :
  • Free Zone -granted to Export Business at least 75%-80% (Min.cap USD 750,000 in manufacturing)
  • Promotion Zone -Mostly domestic manufacturing companies (Min.Cap USD 300,000)

01 Bank Support

Open Bank Account

Internet Banking/Mobile Banking


Law Regulation/ Privilege

  • Myanmar Law
  • Myanmar directorate of investment and company administration (DICA)
  • Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC)
  • Special Economic zone (SEZ) committee

02 Bank Support

Fund Transfer (in/out)

Cash Management


Operational Business

  • Expansion / Maintenance
  • Environmental Concerns
  • Land / Office (Owner, Rental)

03 Bank Support

Project/ Analysis (FA, IB)

Market Analysis: AEC Connect (Trends/Growth/Needs)


 Report & Taxation

  • Cost & Expense
       – Minimum wage
       – Transportation cost
  • Human Resource
       – VISA/Work permit
  • Corporate Income Tax
  • Value Added Tax
  • Tax-Non Tax Incentives
    (Exemptions/ Reduction)

04 Bank Support

Financing Facilities

Loan / Capital

Business Matching with BBL Existing Customer

01 Bank Support

Open Bank Account

Internet Banking/Mobile Banking

02 Bank Support

Fund Transfer (in/out)

Cash Management

03 Bank Support

Project/ Analysis (FA, IB)

Market Analysis: AEC Connect (Trends/

04 Bank Support

Financing Facilities

Loan / Capital

Business Matching with BBL Existing Customer

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